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Fig. 4 | Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging

Fig. 4

From: A fast image simulation algorithm for scanning transmission electron microscopy

Fig. 4

STEM simulations of a Pt particle on amorphous carbon, using a 20 mrad STEM probe at 80 kV. a Multislice and bd PRISM image simulations for interpolation factors of \(f=5\), 10, and 20, respectively. Each row corresponds to a different annular virtual detector, with the inner and outer scattering angles labeled on the left. The intensity of each row was kept constant, in units of total probe intensity with the range shown to the right. e Error estimates as a function of scattering angle for the PRISM simulations in bd. fg Intensity differences between PRISM and multislice images, with plot ranges given to the right. ik Peak positions differences and lm peak intensity differences for 360 peaks fitted from LAADF images, between multislice simulations and PRISM simulations with \(f=5\), 10, and 20, respectively. Mean position and RMS intensity differences, and the included peak positions are inset into in

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